Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Worry Not

Recently the hubby and I have been going through a rough patch, if you can even call it that. It's the big stage that happens over and over again through life, What does our future from here on out look like? What's our next proverbial step? And for someone who's a planner, like me, and who's a worry wart to the point of becoming physically ill, like Christopher, it really tends to get the absolute best of us. I hate when things don't go according plan, and he hates having to wait. 

But recent events have helped me realize how to get out of that hole we always find ourselves in. 

The other day, as the snow was falling softly while landing heavily, adding up with every passing second, I was reminded that I had to go to work the next day. If thought's could control the weather, that night there wouldn't have been ANY accumulation. But as I slept its stacks grew and grew. I went to leave that morning and I ended up brushing like 5 inches of snow off my car. This lead me to the thought,

I can't control the weather. 

No matter how hard I try, no matter how much I wish and hope and plead, I have absolutely no control over the weather. Sure, I can ask God if he'd make it snow everywhere but on the roads. Or I could ask Him to give us snow but make sure it's at least 45 degrees outside. 


He makes it snow and the keeps the thermostat low. So low that the kids have school off for 2 weeks. Craziness. (on a side note: maybe it's God's ploy to have superintendents cancel school so families HAVE to spend more time together...just a thought)

Thing is, our thoughts are rarely the same as God's (Isaiah 55:8). What we think may be a good idea, he has other plans for. Plans that to him, outside of space and time, are simply perfect, even if for us they seem silly, complicating, and most of all frustrating. 

So when something off the wall happened with a job situation today, my first reaction was, "Oh, God, how can this be?! This isn't what we planned..this isn't what we were hoping for. This is the hard way!" I began to worry. I began to tell myself that it was either hopeless or something awful was going to happen because of the change in plans (I can literally be the biggest drama queen inside my head. I really frustrate myself sometimes with it too). 

Then as I began to think more clearly, and listen to the spirit whispering the same advice I'd been giving Christopher earlier this week, Don't worry, Pray. 

And that's where I am now. I drew on my chalkboard this evening, the picture at the beginning of this post as a reminder to both of us of who's in control. And not to pray to change our situation to what we'd like but to pray for God to give us guidance and peace of heart. He knows what's best and through prayer we learn to trust Him instead of letting worry run our lives. 

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